Winter Wargames I WRAP-UP!
"We made history..."
First South East Gel Blaster Competition Concludes Successfully
The first Winter War Games went off smoothly over the weekend with over 60 participants, 250,000 rounds of gel ammo, no injuries and plenty of fun had by all.
The event was hosted by Coonawarra Bush Holiday Park and sponsored by Atchi’s GBMG and Pew Pew Armoury – both Gel Blaster retailers based in Mount Gambier. Martials, medics, games and rules were supplied by the South East SA Gel Blaster Club.
Planning began over 6 weeks ago in the midst of the SA COVID19 response and there were doubts the event could be staged with closed state borders and social distancing rules. However the organisers pushed on and pulled it off for the first ever Gel Blaster event in the South East of South Australia, with a live band and 6 competitive battles staged over 4 battle zones over 2 days. A qualified Medic was on hand at all times and the age of players ranged from 12 to over 60 years old. The event had received both council and police approval.
The overall winners were the black team, representing the ant-genetic modifications army, who defeated the more numerous pro-genetic engineering corps by 13 points to 12 after almost 6 hours of combat.
In the first session, held on the 1km “Long March” field, 2 teams of approximately 20 persons each played out a “tug of war” scenario in thick scrub. As the two teams approached each other from opposite ends of the track, 1 km apart across a broad front of 150m, it was hard to see them due to the excellent camouflage outfits many contestants had put together.
But when the teams did meet, the peace of the bush exploded with the sound of rattling toy sub-machine guns, yelling of orders and the cries of the (not really) wounded. The anti-genetics moved fast up the hills and despite a few accusations of “fighting dead” (it is an honour-based system of reporting you have been hit), managed to capture the spawn point of the pro-genetics. The ends were reversed, rules modified to reduce the respawn distance and in the second half the white team did manage to score 2 points.
The second session, played on the field known as “Dead Man’s Crawl”, involved a ‘capture the flags’ scenario with a lot of cover around the edges and an open ‘kill zone’ in the middle.
We saw a lot of ‘camping at the flags’ until the rules were changed mid-way and then the battle opened up with wave after wave of troops from both sides advancing, being annihilated, returning to respawn/reload and then energetically advancing again. While it was close, the black team (anti-genetics) took the majority of the points.
Then we had a lunch break and time to recharge batteries and magazines. Broken equipment had to be urgently mended and we had to triage one finger with a bandaid. All too soon the third session began at the sand mine, there the camouflaged pop-top served as the genetics lab. It had to be defended at all costs, with the defenders having limited respawns (lives) and being attacked from 220 degrees within a 3m deep pit, 60m x 60m across in places. The black team was wiped out fairly quickly by the risk-taking whites before the ends were swapped and the whites managed to hold off the blacks for slightly longer, taking the points decisively.
Saturday night saw a BBQ provided for everyone, although some players and their families/partners opted to to cook at their own campsites. The live band, “WIZE” began at 7.00 and played till late, with quite a few guests coming from local towns just to see the first live music in the area for months.
Social distancing was maintained on the large outdoor grassed area in front of the band and 3 fires were going for the groups of guests.
Day 2 started with a few green gills and breakfast BBQs before registrations for new players joining in on Sunday. 20 Gel Blasters were available for hire (and every one of them was in used on both days). The first session of the second day, session 4 overall, was a replay of the “Long March” with modified rules to make it less exhausting. Additional spawn points where added every 2 hundred metres. Won by the black team, everyone declared the “Long March” had to be included in future events given the truly realistic elements of the virgin scrub, the opportunities for ambush and the sheer vastness of the available ‘campaign theatre’.
The final session of the competition began after a BBQ lunch provided by the Coonawarra Bush Holiday Park staff during which everyone agreed to play the pinnacle field next – The Black Forest – as the deciding round. This zone is a 10 acre wide spread sugargum plantation which provides both long range sniping and close quarters battle (CQB) opportunities.
The teams, tired, bruised but enthusiastic through themselves inth the ‘capture the flags’ scenario with gusto and g the field also attracted participation from the sponsors and their staff who managed to assist both black and white teams at various times with specially modified high performance toys and fresh legs. The white team bagged the most flags in this lengthened 90 minute session.
Overall, the point allocation for the competition was as follows:
Day 1
Sess 1 – Long March: Black 4, White 1
Sess 2 – Dead Man’s Crawl: Black 3, White 2
Sess 3 – Defend the Labs: Black 1, White 4
Day 2
Sess 4 – Long March: Black 3, White 2
Sess 5 – Black Forest: Black 2, White 3
Overall results- BLACK 13 v WHITE 12
Prizes for the winning team are available for collection at the SESAGBC clubhouse (South East of SA Gel Blaster Club) and can be collected at the next meet or any time in between. All black team winners get Hundred of Comaum Cabernet Sauvignon wine and $25 vouchers to the next event (over 18s). Under 18s get $50 vouchers to the next event.
2 fantastic blasters were offered as prizes and the winners are:
PRIZE 1 – Kris Vector by Atchi’s GBMG – a modified, improved, hand built work of art valued at $500.
Won by Chris Brown of Highland Valley, SA, father of 13 year old competitors Gus and Jake
PRIZE 2 – M4A1 SMG by Pew Pew Armoury – a strong generation 3 blaster mint out of the box valued at $300.
Won by Richard Prentice, on behalf of Josh Garrod, age 12, from Naracoorte, SA.
Prizes for the winning team are available for collection at the SESAGBC clubhouse (South East SA Gel Blaster Club) and can be collected at the next meet or any time in between.
The next War Games will be the Spring Wargames, Sat 26 and Sunday 27 September 2020 – during third term school holidays.
Training Days
3 Training session days will also be offered when the fields will be open for training to all club members between now and then:
* July 25
* August 29
* September 12
SESAGBC Club meetings for those interested will be held on those nights, and a swap and sell for gel blaster parts will also be setup.
Next War Games Evolution
At the next event, the following changes are set to be introduced -
• More martials to eliminate walking dead
• More and cheaper cheaper rental toys
• Rental camo and accessories
• More gun cams
• More team training and drills beforehand for team cohesion and tactics
Gel Blasters are a product of the video game culture of fortnite and the like which most children and young adults have been extensively exposed to for the past 10 years or more. Movie series like John Wick feature advanced weapons and action that just beg to be imagined, copied and played.
Gel Blasters let kids play out video game fantasies harmlessly with their fathers and mothers in the great outdoors. Surely anything that can achieve this cannot be bad.
Players learn good sportsmanship (respawning after hits) and other real skills that could well be useful in their lives, including team play and following instructions.
The fact that the toys themselves are realistic is the heart of the attraction – the fathers would not be interested if this was not the case, and they would not take the kids out to play.
Spending a day or a weekend playing gel blasters as a family is also cheap – cheaper and safer than paintball, and more realistic and thus more fun. The ammo is cheap and the toys are cheap. The dressing up in camo is fantastic for all ages. The enjoyment is priceless.
The mateship we see evolve out of real combat simulations is irreplaceable, enhanced by the risk of real but minor pain.
Most importantly, the South Australian Government promised us that gel blasters were legal toys. Many parents had been hesitant to buy these for their children until they heard this direct from SAPOL themselves in April 2019 on every television channel – “Gel blasters are toys and SAPOL does not seek to regulate toys”.
After hearing this, many parents went out and bought them or let their children buy gel blasters. 250,000 of them. People set up small business, shops and online stores. It is not right nor is it fair for the SA Government to attempt to turn around and reverse its position now. Should they do so, substantial compensation to owners and operators will surely be payable by the South Australian taxpayers…

"The year is 2021. A civil war ravages New Holland. The population has split into two camps – the pro-genetics (BLACK) versus the anti-genetics (WHITE). Battles rage throughout the land, son versus father, brother versus brother, husband versus wife. Both sides seek control of the genetic labs, for whoever controls the genes controls the country..."
You are invited to a weekend of gel blaster warfare, live music and outdoor fun - day and night! Coonawarra Bush Holiday Park is hosting Winter War Games I, offering its large range of glamping tents, cabins, bubbles and caravan sites exclusively for the weekend of 27-28 June 2020. Tickets for the event are on sale now and allow any combination of camp sites, 4 skirmish sessions, raffle tickets for modded blasters x 2, BBQ dinner Saturday night PLUS the live classic rock band "WIZE" - which will be playing some AC/DC for sure.
Camping, caravans, swags are welcome or rent any of our normal accommodation options for a bit more comfort.
2 teams will compete for final honours and prizes. Each team is broken up into 2 divisions or up to 50 members each, giving a total maximum number of combatants on the field of 100 on any one scenario.
Ticket types
Weekend, all inclusive, per person $99
Spectator only ticket (includes band and dinner) $25
Single session, daytime only $25
Child 12 - 16 $39 (under 12 cannot play)
SPECIALSGlamping tent for 2 plus 1 weekend ticket and 1 spectator ticket $199
Glamping tent for 4 plus 2 weekend tickets and 2 spectator tickets $299
Group bookings 10% discount 3 persons or more
The over 18’s on the winning team will receive one bottle of Hundred of Comaum Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 Wine each. Under 18’s will receive free tickets to following events.
Raffle Prizes – 2 modded gel blasters
1) The long march (tug of war, Zone 3)
Spawn at each end of “long march” with spare ammo. Whichever team is furthest along line at end of one hour is the winner. 5 marker points including spawns. If one team reaches end before 30 minutes, ends are reversed. 4 points for winner, extra point for taking opponents spawn point.
2) Dead man’s crawl (capture the flag, Zone 2)
2 flags for each team. Have to defend your flags while attempting to capture opponents’ flags. 4 respawn bases with spare ammo. Winner captures both flags. Extra point if no own flags lost.
3) The Black Forest (domination, Zone 1)
5 target points, each with spare ammo. 2 respawn bases. Whichever team is holding most bases at end of 1 hour is winner (4 points). Extra point if all 5 bases held by same team.
4) Defence of the lab (hold the fort, Zone 4)
Defenders can only respawn 3 times. Attackers have unlimited spawns. Martial located in lab base to oversee spawning restriction. 4 points if base is taken, extra point if defender is taken within 30 minutes. Defenders have spare ammo and cover, attackers do not (except what they carry). Claymores, grenades etc allowed if defending team has them.
5) Final Round Death Match - made up of the finest warriors of each team. The field of battle will be chosen by the team with the least points. Each front/zone awards 5 points to the victorious team, making a total of 45 possible points.
Respawn count battle – 1 minute respawns, one point lost for each. Winner has most points left at end of one hour. Unlimited team size. Played on field chosen by team with least points at end of Session Eight.
BYO Toys or rent by the session
Bring your own blaster - it will be chono'd and tagged to max 350 fps and 25 rps. If you don't have one yet - buy one at the show. Otherwise - rent one for the day. Several vendors will be offering rental guns. Coonawarra Bush Holiday Park has a limited number of rental toys - see the extras list when booking. Some examples below:
What to bring
* Bring protective gear and lots of camo as there are prizes for the best dressed.
* Ammo, toys, tools, torches, cameras, binoculars, batteries and chargers.
* Warm clothes, good strong shoes.
* Food for Friday lunch, Sunday breakfast and lunch.
* Beer, spirits - wine available on site.
* Camping gear if camping. All linen is provided if you are staying in any of our rooms.
Saturday 27 June 20209:00 Registration/Release forms, Blaster Hire, Ammunition Sales, Team/Division allocation
10:00 Main Martialling Session – Overall Rules, Overall Competition, Points, Prizes
10:30 Session One - Martialling
10:45 Start Session 1 – Black Div 1 v White Div 1, The long march (tug of war, Zone 3)
12:00 Session Two - Martialling
12:15 Start Session 2 – Black Div 2 v White Div 2, Dead man’s crawl (capture the flag, Zone 2)
1:30 Session Three - Martialling
1:45 Start Session 3 – Black Div 1 v White Div 1, The Black Forest (domination, Zone 1)
3:00 Session Four - Martialling
3:15 Start Session 4 – Black Div 2 Defends v White Div 2 Attacks, Defence of the labs (hold the fort, Zone 4)
4:15 Competition Ends Day One
6:00pm – BBQ Dinners served from Camp Kitchen
7:00pm – Band “WIZE” begins
11:00pm – Band finishes
Sunday 28 June 2020
8.30 Additional Registrations/Release forms, Blaster Hire, Ammunition Sales, Team allocation
9.30 Session Five – Martialling
9.45 Start Session Five – Black Div 2 v White Div 2, The long march (tug of war, Zone 3)
11:00 Session Six Martialling
11:15 Start Session Six - Black Div 1 v White Div 1, Dead man’s crawl (capture the flag, Zone 2)
12:30 Session Seven – Martialling
12:45 Start Session Seven - Black Div 2 v White Div 2, The Black Forest (domination, Zone 1)
2:00 Session Eight – Martialling
2:15 Start Session Eight - Black Div 1 Attacks v White Div 1 Defends, Defence of the lab (hold the fort, Zone 4)
3:30 Session Nine – Martialling
3:45 Start Session 9 – Best of Team Black v Best of Team White – Death Match
5:00 Winner and Prizes Ceremony
5:30 End Event and Cleanup
1) Call your hits fairly – Yell out “Hit” and arms up
2) Wear your protection – especially eye protection
3) Minimum engage 2m – do not light up under 2m
4) No Hand to hand combat during COVID19 unless the person is a member of your family group.
5) No shooting at non-combatants
6) No visible gel blasters off property
7) Maximum blaster spec is 350 feet per sec and 25 rounds per sec
8) No solid or semi solid ammo.
9) 9) Good sportsmanship is key to the enjoyment of the event for everyone – be a good sport.
Winter Wargames I will be the perfect way to get out of COVID lock down! Let your hair down and come skirmishing with us on 200 acres of socially distant war grounds, 4 fields, live music, onsite cellar door, camping, glamping , fire drums, BBQs and everything else the serious gel blaster owner could want. Private bathrooms, spread out camp grounds, big variety of tickets and accommodation packages to suit all singles, families and couples. Pop up gel blaster shops, onsite coffee van, Medical and marshalling vehicles on call. TICKETS SELLING FAST. Own toys, max 350 FPS. Call Steve on 0438 005 051 with any questions.

Booking Instructions
Book as many tickets as needed by using the "No. of Areas" box after you click the booking button. Each "Area" will contain same number of adults and children as specified at top. Maximum 4 persons per area. Tickets can be given as gifts - email confirmation is a voucher.
If you are booking for a single session and want a specific session, say which session you want in the booking notes. We will try to give you the exact session you want.
Other accomodation options:
You do not have to camp - you can GLAMP! We have 15 powered glamping tents with fires, each sleeping 4 people plus 5 x Hi-Tech "Bubble" tents and 4 self- contained cabins. To upgrade your accommodation from the included camp site to more luxury, first book your tickets here and then book your accommodation at using promo code WWIG for your discount.